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while my contemplative post percolates...

Monday, February 18, 2008

What level do you play in guitar hero?:
Medium. 5 stars on all of the songs. BOOYAH!

Are you in a relationship?
Not currently. I'm kind of on hiatus right now, especially seeing as how I want to get out of NoVa rapido!

Are you wearing jeans right now?:
No, but I was earlier.

Where is your dad?

Do you live with both of your parents?:
Yeah. It's not so bad.

Do you think too much or too little?
I am the Queen of Overanalyzation.

Do you smile a lot?:
I probably smile 89% of the time.

What is the price of gas where you live?:
I don't even know. I just put the gas thing in and wait until it clicks. Then it's usually about $30.

Who was the last compliment you received from, and when?
Andrea left me a really nice comment on one of my pinup pictures.

Have you ever rode in a plane?:
Probably more than you have.

Are you for or against abortion?:
I don't talk about political issues. Unless I'm really close to you.

Do you prefer call or text?

Do you have any siblings?

Are you close with them?
I have best friends that I'm very close with and consider sisters... does that count?

How many people beside your family do you trust 100%?:

Where did you get the shirt that you are wearing?
Old Navy

Do you go to church?:
No. I also don't believe in sharing my religious beliefs.

What's the last movie you saw in the theater?
Spiderwick Chronicles. It was really cute.

Can you live without the computer?

When was the last time you got flowers?:
Saturday I took the centerpieces home. Beautiful pink tulips!

Do you wish at 11:11?:
If I happen to see it on the clock.

Do you have any piercings beside your ears?
Not yet.

Ever get so drunk you couldn't remember the entire night?:
Yes, but not in awhile, thankfully.

Can you play any instruments?:
Flute. Guitar Hero. Drums on Rockband.

Favorite flower?
Pink tulips.

Have you ever loved someone?

Do you have a tattoo?:
I have two and am planning my next one(s).

Are you hiding something from someone?

What was your first thought when you looked in the mirror this morning?:
I haven't looked in the mirror yet, thankfully.

Do you believe there's always room in your heart for your first love?:
Yeah, unfortunately.

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?:
I love my long hair.

When was the last time you cried?:
Stupid "Definitely, Maybe" yesterday.

Have you ever gambled at a casino?

Have you ever had your heart broken?:

How many texts did you receive today?:
Probably about 30?

Do you tend to make relationships complicated?:
All relationships are complicated.

Name someone whose name starts with the letter "J":

Do you trust people easily?:

Do you think you'll be married in 10 years?

Do you plan on moving out within the next year?:
I plan on moving, period, within the next year.

Where were you at 9pm last Friday night?
Getting drunk at Ned Devine's.

What happened at 10:00 am today?:
I was doing this survey.

Do you laugh at all the wrong times?
I'm pretty inappropriate sometimes...