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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

First 9 months of 2007

1. Have you had your birthday yet?
Yep, it was back in January. The BEST month ever.

2. Are you with the same person as you were at the beginning of 2007?
oh no way. But it started formulating in February (without my knowing though... weird)

3. Are you still in the same job?
Kind of. I got promoted and I quit the bakery.

4. Is your favorite color the same color?
haha yes. I think I will like pink for awhile.

5. Have you got the same style/color hair?
My hair is significantly longer, I believe.

6. Have you bought a new car this year?
Nope. That's NEXT year :-)

7. Anything exciting happen this year?
Oh a lot actually.

8. Have you been involved with the police this year?
Yes, in both good ways (doing protocol for work) and bad ways (car accidents, yipes!)

9. Favorite all time drinking place for 2007?
Ben's and Serena's respective houses.

10. Is your best friend still your best friend?
Yep. Plus two.

11. Got any tattoos or piercings this year?
In fact I did get another tattoo!!

12. Had a haircut?
Just touch ups.

13. Been in a hospital this year?

14. Lost anybody you cared about this year?
Yeah, my dog :-(

15. Been on a vacation this year?
Yeah, a few. Not in awhile though.

16. Been in love this year?
I'd say so.

17. Fallen out of love this year?
With ideas, yeah.

18. Been kicked out of a pub this year?
Nope. I'm too old for that.

19. Completed any studies this year?
Yeah, I finished school in May!

20. Read any books?

21. Worst thing to happen this year?
My dog died :-(

22. Best thing to happen this year?
Ben, actually.

23. Has this year been a good one so far?
It's been pretty dandy.