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White Truck

Saturday, September 29, 2007

1. Would you bang your neighbor?
Probably not. Both of them are old and married.

2. What describes your relationship status?
happily taken.

3. Where are you right now?
at home about to start working on the basement.

4. What's the last movie you saw in the theatre?
Across the Universe. BEAUTIFUL movie.

5. Color of your underwear?
bright blue

6. Who's on speed dial 2?
I don't have no stinkin speed dial

7. Good advice if you ever go camping?
Just don't. hahaha kidding. Take someone you really like with you, that way you have someone to snuggle with at night when it gets cold.

8. Are you a bad influence?
Only to Terra ;-)

9. Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library?
Who doesn't??

10. iPod or Zune?

11. Do you watch Family Guy regularly?
We watched it Thursday night and it was pretty amusing. Family Guy reminds me of Jared, who I will be hanging out with SOON!

12. Do you read trashy romance novels often?
Not really.

13. Do you sing obnoxiously in the car?
I sing loud and proud, thank you very much.

14. Do you ever sing obnoxiously in the shower?

15. Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?
WHen it comes to certain things, yes.

16. Have you ever been to South America or Africa?
Not yet, but soon.

17. Do you know how to knit?
No, but I know how to use pins to stick sequins on foam skulls...

18. When you open your closet, what is the dominant color?
Pink and black.

19. Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?
Dairy Queen. Please.

20. Physics or chemistry?
Physics. I kick ass at physics.

21. Walk or Run?

22. Batman, Spiderman or Superman?

23. Does a kiss make your boo boos feel better?