1. Are you younger than 19?
Nope, way older, but not as old as some.
2. Have you ever kissed someone thats name starts with a J?
3. How many bathing suits do you own?
Just the one.
4. Do you like the color green?
Depending on the shade, yes. I like bright colors.
5. Do you have a crush on someone?
No, but I'm very, very fond of someone.
6. Are you in a relationship?
7. Ever kissed someone of the same sex?
8. Ever eaten soap?
Not on purpose!
9. What song are you listening to right now?
The new Rilo Kiley cd. It's fantastic.
10. Is there a place you would like to visit?
The place I'm visiting next weekend! And the weekend after. And the weekend after that. (All 3 are different, btw)
11. Do you eat breakfast?
12. Do you have a job?
Yes, and it's pretty good.
13. Have you ever fell into a mud puddle?
haha yep
14. Do you like winter?
I absolutely LOVE winter.
15. Does your screen name have numbers in it?
Yeah, a 1.
16. Are you in a band?
No, but I used to be!
17. Do you like parties?
Depends on who's throwing them and who is going to be there.
18. What are you scared of?
Clowns, enclosed spaces, falling down on an escalator.
19. How long have you had your myspace for?
Awhile. I'm sick of it though. I only use it to yoink surveys.
20. Favorite beverage?
Lipton Iced Green Tea.
21. Are you double jointed?
22. If you could own a monkey, would you?
No way. They fling poo!
23. Do you own anything from American Eagle?
A few things, but I generally hate that store.
24. Do you listen to Rap?
Depends on my mood. Usually not.
25. Did you graduate this year?
Yep, in May!
26. Favorite Disney movie?
The Little Mermaid.
27. What was your first AIM sn?
DutchGirlX. It's a long story.
28. Do you like fruits?
29. Do you have a nextel phone?
No way, those things are laaaame.
30. Have you ever given a random person your number?
Yep. Never heard from them though. haha.
31. Do you keep your word?
32. How clean is your room?
Extremely clean. That's what I did today actually.
33. What color is your room?
White. Ugh.
34. Is there a calendar in your room?
35. Do you regret anything?
Starting to.
36. Do you count on your fingers?
haha no
37. What are you excited for?
Thursday! And Friday-Saturday! And next Saturday!
38. Are you an artist?
Of the poetic/photographic kind, yes.
39. Do you have an addiction?
40. What time did you go to sleep last night?
1030 I think.
41. Favorite swear word?
42. Who will repost this after you?
Not you, hopefully.
43. Mooned someone?
44. What did you do today?
Got up at 830, had some breakfast, then I cleaned my room all day. Now I'm waiting for Ben to come over so we can play some SNES!
45. Thoughts on the opposite sex?
Certain ones are wonderful :-)
46. How many pillows do you sleep with?
Depends on where I'm at. Generally one.
47. Do you like s'mores?
Oh yes.
48. Who posted this before you?
The Knife.
49. Do you like hugs and kisses?
Ooooh yes.
50. Do you act gangster?
Um, do you not know me at all?
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